Millions of websites are present today. Every day Google and various other search engines are working on the index of hundreds of pages every single minute. This shows how competitive the world is. In such a cut-throat competition, every business has to ensure that they are always on the top of the SERP – Search Engine Result Pages. Only by being on the top, you would be able to grab ample search traffic. Do you think that the visitors would even come to your site if it is not present on the Google Search Engine’s first page? The pressure is created on digital marketers who are handling the business website of various clients. They are consistently striving to ensure that the business websites stay on the top.
One of the best approaches that digital marketers can skyrocket the website search traffic is through content marketing. So let’s check all of them one by one.
Best Content Marketing approaches to skyrocket the search traffic
Analysis And Audit Of The Content Being Published:
As a digital marketer, this is the very first thing that you must do to ensure that you are getting high search traffic. Scan the website thoroughly and get rid of the toxic content. By toxic content, we mean that you should remove all the content that does not add any value to the website; rather, it is just harming the website’s incoming traffic. After deleting the poorly written content, you can analyze the Google search console. You would see that there would be an increase in the search traffic by 50 to 60%. This was the report from the Ahref. They claimed that they could see an increase in the search traffic by performing content audits and removing the toxic content.
Repurpose The Significant Content:
The content can be in any type – blogs, infographics, and videos. All these are a medium to keep your target audience engaged with you. But it is not necessary that you have to create new content every time. You can sort out the old and significant content and repurpose them to use once again to increase the search traffic.
How to repurpose the old significant content?
If the old content was a blog, then pick out the most important points from the blog and transform them into infographics. Or You can also create a video of the same content to reach a larger audience. While repurposing the content ensures that the new content has a matching theme and logo of the brand.
While Creating Content- Ensure That Keyword Cannibalization Does Not Occur:
You might be thinking what is keyword cannibalization. When there is more than one content on a specific website, it refers to a similar set of keywords. In such scenarios, the search engine bits get confused, and you lose out traffic and the website authority. To prevent the cannibalization of the keywords on the website, digital marketers should use long-tail keywords and multiple keywords. In this way, the keywords would not match with each other.

Your Content Should Be Based On Facts And Figures
The search traffic would increase when your audience feels that the content is helpful and provides useful information. When the content is based on facts and figures, it increases the reader’s trust on your website. Readers do not directly accept whatever you have written but back the content with proper proof, it increases the value of the content. Even the search engine bots consider such content useful and rank them higher in Google’s SERP – Search Engine Result Pages. Moreover, while including facts, you must ensure that the data is the latest and not something 3 to 4 years back. Such old data would not be considered useful in the present time.
Digital Marketers Must Include Adaptive Content In Their Content Strategy:
Do you want to write content and just publish it on the website? Well no. None of the businessmen or digital marketers would want that. Such content is of no use. So digital marketers must make use of the content marketing strategy that employs adaptive content. It refers to the type of content which is interesting, and engaging. When the content is engaging, it will improve the business’s brand awareness and improve the search traffic. Besides this, you must take care that the content you publish on the website is accessible on all the smart devices in the perfect way. You readers should not face problems if they want to access the content through mobile devices.
Consistently Test The Published Content:
In the initial days of the business, a digital marketer might not have a complete idea of what types of content the people would like. So they need to keep testing different types of content through different channels. Only after deep analysis, you can conclude. You can create different content types such as blogs, articles, podcasts, videos, infographics, and presentations, or e-books and publish them on different channels. You can even cross-post the content to check out which post is effective on which platform. For instance, infographics would work the best if you share it on Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest. With the testing method, you can determine what content and platform would work the best for a particular business. If it is a B2B, then you would definitely prefer LinkedIn.
Your Content Must Revolve Around The Core Values:
Your business has achieved so much because of the values. These values have acted as the foundation of the business. Do you think you can leave them behind? No, right? But you cannot even directly promote it. Your target audience would not like direct promotion. So you can use content strategy to include the core values of the business and then present it to your audience.
Skyrocketing the search traffic is not a daunting task if you employ the correct strategies and mediums. Your main focus should be your audience. You have to employ content strategies to create the content around the core values and then get back to the audience.