AI Content

Tips To Humanize AI Content and Maintain Your Voice

You’re here because you are aware of AI’s ability to produce content quickly. Artificial intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly changing the way content is created. We can produce content more rapidly and effectively with the aid of AI writing tools. But let’s face it; occasionally, it seems as if a robot writes it.

Rigid, stiff, repetitive… If skilled writers and editors regularly use AI, they will be able to identify unedited AI content more quickly than Usain Bolt, who can complete a 100-meter race.

This will also be possible for your readers and web search engines. Thus, the difficulty lies not only in producing words but also in giving them life.

This post will discuss how to apply AI and maintain your voice in your content. We’ve got you covered with some suggestions for humanizing AI content, whether you’re a freelance writer trying to keep your voice distinct or a business hoping to make a splash in a crowded industry.

Why does the term “AI content” seem so strange?

Artificial intelligence is used to create AI content. In essence, machines create writing that is suited to a certain topic or style by analyzing vast volumes of data. Since AI isn’t human and doesn’t always speak the same as humans, the outcome may sound a little odd.

But why is that? The following factors make AI content superior to us:

Trendy words – A lot of “trendy words” are used. AI systems that have been trained on large datasets often overuse particular words and phrases because they have been trained to have “preferences.” This leads to an over-reliance on fashionable marketing-speak platitudes such as “revolutionary,” “game-changer,” and other cringeworthy expressions. 

‍Similar structure –  It goes beyond language alone. AI frequently uses a ton of APA-styled subheaders and incredibly repetitious structures with more bullets. Finally, it occasionally repeats or contradicts itself between subheaders. ‍

Always play it safe – AI’s true potential is essentially limited to its inability to be creative due to the numerous layers of programming and ethical standards that surround it. This implies that it must play at a level appropriate for both elementary school children and 80-year-old grandmothers in order to maintain its content morally and safely.

4 tips for humanizing AI content

AI-generated content can be quickly and easily humanized by adding your own experiences, changing the language, teaching a system to imitate your manner, and revising the content for consistency and style.

These tips will help you turn your AI-generated text into content that both readers and search engines will find interesting.

Add personal experiences and stories

Add your own stories and experiences to give AI-generated content credibility and relatability. You can establish a personal connection with your readers right away by relating a personal tale or providing evidence of your subject-matter competence.

Provide a personal account of how a product or service changed your life if your material is about its advantages. This gives your writing more human appeal and enhances the legitimacy of your brand or writing authority.

Use emotional language to set the mood

Human communication is fundamentally based on emotion. Your AI-generated content can become more relatable and engaging by adding emotion. When appropriate, try expressing yourself with humor, passion, frustration, or excitement.

Suppose you are penning a makeup blog post. Put your love of makeup into your content rather than just listing the products to use.

Give precise instructions and desired voice

When utilizing AI, precision is essential. The tone and style you intend for your content should be reflected in your prompts. If you prefer a conversational tone, please specify in your instructions. Your voice will be more closely aligned with the AI-generated content the more particular you are.  

Adding word counts and any other commands that give the AI structure is also a good idea.

Rewrite overused words and phrases

As discussed earlier, AI-generated content has a tendency to repeat itself. Many terms that ChatGPT and other AI technologies frequently utilize are obvious red flags for AI detectors. If you want your AI-generated writing to sound more human, you must identify these and rewrite them.

Summing up

It’s important to keep your voice and humanize your content in a world where artificial intelligence is becoming an essential element of content development. We’ve talked about a number of methods to do this, such as employing AI as a research assistant or incorporating your own experiences and feelings into your work.

Remember that while AI is a valuable ally, your content will stand out due to your originality and warmth. By following these tips and being conscious of AI’s limitations, you may create content that engages your audience while maintaining your voice. However, at Adity Digital Consultant, we value human-written content as it gives writers the freedom to write their own stories to make the content unique.

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